
We spend such a large portion of our lives pursing happiness.  We try numerous things we think will make us happy.  Maybe we try to get a new outfit or car or shop to fill the void. Maybe we try to get away on a vacation we think will solve all our problems and make us happy.  Maybe we think about happiness too obsessively to the point that it makes us unhappy.  

I know I have perhaps too many times.

But finally, I found that our obsession with finding happiness blinds us from seeing the happiness we already have. The Creator Mindset has 9 steps to help you see the happiness you already have in your life and work: 

1.    Find simple pleasures in things

Quit complicating everything all the time.  There are simple pleasures to be appreciative for.  Find the ones that mean the most to you.

2.    It’s not all happiness all the time

The Creator Mindset believes that you are not entitled to 365/24/7 happiness. It’s a waste of time to purse happiness with obsession.  There will be some trying times.  Learn to accept them.

3.     Donate your time, not just money

I recently went to a benefit for a little girl who died of cancer.  I would have usually donated something and moved on with my day, but actually going to the benefit and spending time with the charity was much more meaningful and important.  

4.    You’re gonna die.  I’m gonna die.  We’re all gonna die.  

I don’t mean to be morose, but happiness viewed in such simple terms allows us to understand that no matter what positions we have or status or job or jewelry or things we own, we can’t take it with us.  And understanding that one day we will perish allows us to focus on what really matters from time to time.  Improving our relationships -- that makes us happy.

5.    Do what you are good at

Doing things that we are good at makes us happy.  And things that we are good at bring us sustained joy.  I happen to be good at reading.  But you might be good at basketball or crochet.  It really doesn’t matter.  Do more of what you are good at.  

6.    Look at what is right instead of what is wrong

A shift in perspective is sometimes all it takes to be happy.  Shifting your thought process from looking at right instead of wrong will increase your appreciation the happiness that is all around you.

7.    Time is more important than money

Money can come and go, but time is a one-way street.  Make the best of now, not yesterday or tomorrow.  Now is all you have.

8.    Happiness is contagious

Joy can spread like wildfire.  If only you allow it to do so.   

9.    Spend more time in nature

Be it a hike or some time at the beach, spending more time surrounded by natural beauty does good for your spirit.  There is something in nature that reminds us of our place in the universe, and it’s humbling. 

Some of these ideas may seem commonplace and even easy to understand.  They may also seem common sense.  But enacting these principals is the key to understanding them fully.  I know that I have struggled with some of these items on the list.  But when enacted, these items build mirth.  It may not be today.  And it may not be tomorrow.  But eventually a path of connecting to happiness and allowing yourself to claim it is a far better road than obsessing over trying to find it.    

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