Elephant Journal: Want to Spark Creativity? Get Out of Your Tech Comfort Zone!
There has never been a time that is more comfortable in history than today.
I know this might seem controversial at first glance, but it’s true. And even in the midst of all that is going on in the world today—the Covid-19 crisis, protests, and much more—comfort is still endemic across the world.But creative solutions require bold thinking and risk taking—which are at odds with comfort and predictability. And we’ve gotten extremely comfortable with and dependent on our high-tech devices. Which essentially kill the potential of creativity.There can be no creativity where comfort is prevalent. And comfort is the one thing that technology tries to lull us into. Many technology companies today actively work on this human vulnerability. They activate dopamine sensors within all of us to “reward” us with a like here or a new app or click there. They prey on our genetic make-up. It’s no wonder we have such intense relationships with our devices!
But there must be something we can do to take back our Creator Mindset and release ourselves from technology’s grip. It turns out that there are four simple practices we can use every day to help us become more creative and drift away from the analytical-only mindset to unite our brain and achieve our full thinking potential.
Schedule a Detox Day
While many people talk about taking some time away from their devices, it is psychologically painful. A recent report showed that people experience pain when their devices are taken away for a period of time, because we genuinely believe them to be a part of us.But with all these productivity tools promising more and more productivity, how come productivity hasn’t gone up?Because when looked at creatively, the human mind is the finest tool for creativity and ideas ever created. Far better than a computer will ever hope to be. I know there are recent developments in Artificial Intelligence that may seem impressive—but they are nothing compared to what our brains can do creatively. Creativity will never be found in a recent app you downloaded. So, take a break from your device. You might even come up with the next big idea or thought to move your business forward. A break from your device will allow you to recalibrate your inner creative person—the one who has been with you since childhood and is trying to get creative solutions across to your career or business.
Do It in Person
It never ceases to amaze me how many people try to use technology as a substitute for human interaction. There is no app or no technology that can substitute for face-to-face time.Lockheed/Martin invests quite a bit every year in doing it in person. They take in person meetings when possible and spend time and money conducting business in person. They believe in the power of the human touch and doing things in person helps to develop relationships that technology can never approach.Try to look at your business or career and find time to reach out in person. This can be more complicated with all that is going on in the world—but it can be as simple as making a phone call instead of sending an email. Because building relationships away from technology and convenience is one of the hallmarks of the Creator Mindset.
Multi-Tasking Is BS
Sure, you can multitask on a very low level. Yes, you can walk and chew gum at the same time. But that is not the multitasking I am talking about. We are constantly bombarded with this or that expert telling us that we can squeeze more and more time out of our day by doing more and more things at the same time. But that is BS.Instead of multitasking, we should be looking to change gears. We need to concentrate on one thing at a time that is before us—and give that one thing all the attention it needs. It may be for an hour; it may be for a minute. But what we really need to do is not to multitask—but to get better at switching gears through all we have going on in our day-to-day lives. This is another thing you can try immediately to see the creative benefit.
Tech Is Fleeting, but Creativity Lasts Forever
Instead of loving and worshiping our devices, we need to love and worship creative potential. Because in that creative potential comes all of humanity’s greatest achievements. Polio Vaccine? Creative. Man on the moon? Creative. Cheeze-Its? Creative.But most of us (I am guilty too) spend our time trying to find the right technology—this or that new software/computer/device—to get us doing more/faster/better.But what if what we are doing more/faster/better in the first place produces nothing new, nothing different, and nothing creative? What if we are “doing” just to “do”?Then we are instead doing what everyone else is doing. Creating different variations on what is already out there. Creativity offers your career or business the chance to be immortal. Ideas last forever, while technology comes and goes.To try and reduce our love affair with technology is a worthwhile and noble task. You already come equipped from birth with all you need to do astronomically well in your chosen vocation or business. Take pride in that fact. You just need to reconnect to your creative side. And when you allow yourself to reconnect with creativity, then your business or career becomes incredibly lucrative—no matter what line of work you are in.
Nir Bashan is the founder and CEO of The Creator Mindset LLC.