Jostle's People at Work Podcast
Creativity is mission critical with Nir Bashan
In this episode of People at Work, Nir Bashan joins us to talk about the role of creativity in problem-solving and the workplace at large.
By Bev Attfield
Be honest: how many of us get more excited about the box than the contents, like when we were little? Probably very few. But what if we could bring the joy that children get from creating spaceships, forts, and lemonade stands out of cardboard boxes, into our adult working lives?
Nir Bashan thinks we should and we must. He’s a creativity expert who’s rejecting traditional business thinking in favour of creativity. It’s not that we don’t need analytics, it’s just that alone they don’t serve the long-term health and prosperity of organizations or their people.
According to Nir, we’ve traded our creativity that we were born with for analytical skills at work. Nir joins me on People at Work to talk about what this means today and what we need to change for the future.
Creativity isn’t reserved for artsy types. Creativity has a firm place at the helm of business and Nir is here to show us how. Give the episode a listen and see whether you can bring cardboard box thinking into your work life today.