Book Review: Pure M Magazine

Nir Bashan’s The Creator Mindset: 92 Tools to Unlock the Secrets to Innovation, Growth, and Sustainability makes a critical distinction early on that is essential to understating this work.

When Bashan discusses creativity, he isn’t referring to artistic creativity, but rather the problem solving variety of business creativity that turns away uninspired approaches and, instead, embraces “thinking outside the box” when looking to tackle issues as they arise or expanding commercial opportunities.

Despite his relative youth, it is apparent reading this book that Bashan has worked for many years to establish and refine an assortment of options for business professionals to pursue in their effort to grow their companies.


He presents his ideas over four parts and twenty chapters in a linear and lucid fashion. Readers will never feel like Bashan is talking down to them or regards them as “lucky” he is sharing secrets with them that only he and a chosen few are privy to. The thrust of The Creator Mindset is essentially altruistic. Bashan’s desire to help others utilize their creative talents comes through unfettered over the course of The Creator Mindset and that passion for helping others never feels affected or staged. It will strike readers as a honest and deeply felt impulse to aid interested parties in realizing their business dreams and ambitions.

Some readers may pass through the book’s pages and find Bashan’s prescriptions a little obvious. It often takes an outsider’s perspective, however, to awaken in us a recognition of what has stared us in the face the whole time. Bashan would likely agree that, caught up in work necessary to keep a business afloat, it becomes all too easy to not see where improvements are possible. The tendency to play it safe and engage in increasingly archaic business practices is often hardwired into human nature. The Creator Mindset, however, makes it clear that reprogramming our attitudes is possible and frequently easier than we realize.  

Bashan’s work with a variety of five-star corporations such as AT&T, JetBlue, Ace Hardware, and others gives his concepts additional credence. Corporations with their marketplace stature would not continue inviting him to conduct workshops or hire him as a consultant if Bashan’s methods failed to produce quantifiable results. Impressive laurels and achievements adorn Bashan’s path to prominence in this field. He is one of the youngest individuals ever chosen to work as a professor at Pasadena, California’s renowned Art Center College of Design and he is a past recipient of a Clio Award, an award handed out annually recognizing creative excellence in design, communication, and advertising. He is, likewise, a former Emmy nominee and has worked in the film and music industry with notable success.


Nir Bashan has written an important work capable of advancing the commercial prospects for companies of various types. It is free of pretense and ego alike. His clear-eyed appraisal of the tools business leaders have at their disposal to strengthen and sustain profitability, increase sales, and foster new opportunities stands out from the pack and assures The Creator Mindset: 92 Tools to Unlock the Secrets to Innovation, Growth, and Sustainability will be read for some time to come.

Michael Rand

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